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Offline Andrey Ivashov  
#1 Posted : 07 November 2019 18:48:52(UTC)
Andrey Ivashov

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SMath Studio - SMath
Created by SMath LLC in the scope of SMath project. Published by smath.

SMath Studio

  • SMath Studio box
  • Calculation of Gravitation Acceleration example
  • Example of animation on the Worksheet
  • Extensions Manager tool
  • Opened math Reference Book
  • SMath Viewer output to Autocad example
  • SMath Studio on iOS
  • SMath Studio on iPad

Tiny, but powerful mathematical program with WYSIWYG editor and complete units of measurements support.

It provides numerous computing features and rich user interface translated into about 40 different languages. Application also contains integrated mathematical reference book.

Free for personal usage! Plans for Organizations are available!

Application can be easily extended based on your needs. Built-in Extensions Manager tool allows to get access to hundreds official and third-party resources of the following types: usage examples, plug-ins, SMath Viewer based applications, snippets, interface translations, interactive books, handbooks and tutorials.

They trust us *

* Customers' names and logos are used with the written permission of the copyright holders.

They talk about us (all reviews...)

  • I have been wishing for a sensible alternative to the free version of MathCAD for a long time. I find such software a crucial tool for writing technical-paper-style documents with live formulas and units carried throughout. I am so happy to have found SMath Studio as it is not just a completely free, fully featured alternative, but I find it to be much better in that it is tiny, is easier to use, has nice community support and has nice expandability by others (through plugins). It has features I've always wanted like setting of number of significant digits (not just number of decimal places), easier typing of subscripts, better plotting (via the X-Y Plot plugin), ability to include other SMath files (like my own units definitions), the very innovative and helpful "dynamic assistant", the ability to assign values to variables *after* the writing of a formula, no watermark across each page, and many other improvements that I have yet to discover. Since I am so pleased, I just donated $100 which I feel is a more reasonable amount for software like this. Thank you, Andrey!

    by John David Heinzmann

  • La aparición del proyecto Smath, cubre un vacío que existía en el ámbito del software gratuito para Ingeniería. Es un proyecto que llegó para quedarse, ya que permite logros muy buenos a quienes utilizan esta herramienta. felicitaciones a Andrey y el gran equipo de colaboradores que cada uno con su aporte desinteresado hacen crecer esta aplicación que ya podemos caratular como de uso profesional

    by Ing Parcelo Ortiz Plá

  • ein absolutes Muß für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler und die, die es noch werden wollen. Ein perfektes Tool für Hochschulen aller Art. an absolute must for engineers and natural scientists and those who want to become one. A perfect tool for universities of all kinds.

    by Stephan Gottlieb

  • I really like it. It's one of the most usable free software applications I deal with.

    by Juanma Belda

  • Amazing math tool. I use it almost daily. I'm a civil engineer and Smath Studio quickly became one of my favorite tools to "hand check" a lot of my calculations.

    by Fernando Siedschlag

  • This is a great tool. Just like Mathcad. I'd encourage science/engineering students to use it. And you get a copy of your work.

    by RJ

  • Imagine combining Microsoft Word with the ability to compute every time you press equals. Best application for your engineering documentation needs!

    by Michael James Quidilla

  • smath studio. It´s a good tool.

    by jose luis rebollo

  • Très bon logiciel de calcul, avec de nombreux plugin pour tous les usages. Une fois qu'on s'habitue, on ne peut plus s'en passer. Je le recommande vivement. Outre les fonction mathématiques, Il est possible d'utiliser de nombreuses bibliothèques, comme par exemple la bibliothèque Coolprop pour les données thermodynamiques, ce qui permet d'avoir un outil très évolué pour faire et expliquer des calculs très rapidement.

    by Vidal Silva

  • Excellent tool...

    by Munawar Jakhro

SMath Studio in publications

SMath Studio plug-ins (all plug-ins...)

The functionality of the program can be expanded through the installation of plug-ins created by third-party developers and companies, as well as those prepared by the SMath LLC team. Most plug-ins are open source and can be modified if necessary.

  • Extends SMath Studio with a 3D Plot Region.
    Extends SMath Studio with a 3D Plot Region.
    Jack Xu, Viacheslav N. Mezentsev (viacheslavmezentsev@ya.ru)
  • Extends SMath Studio with more save/import/export features.
    Extends SMath Studio with more save/import/export features.
    Davide Carpi (davide.carpi@gmail.com)
  • Access to a set of programs for calculating properties of water, steam, gases and gases mixtures. Requires separate installation of the Water Steam Pro libraries and appropriate license for it (see http://www.wsp.ru/).
    Access to a set of programs for calculating properties of water, steam, gases and gases mixtures. Requires separate installation of the Water Steam Pro libraries and appropriate license for it (see http://www.wsp.ru/).
    ООО "ЭсМат"
  • Provides access to the free and open source computer algebra system Maxima.
    Provides access to the free and open source computer algebra system Maxima.
    Kay Graubmann & Martin Kraska (THB www.th-brandenburg.de)
  • Extends SMath Studio with a X-Y Plot Region.
    Extends SMath Studio with a X-Y Plot Region.
    Jack Xu, Viacheslav N. Mezentsev (viacheslavmezentsev@ya.ru)
  • A SMath Studio native wrapper of the CoolProp library (www.coolprop.org) - thermophysical property database and wrappers for a selection of programming environments.
    A SMath Studio native wrapper of the CoolProp library (www.coolprop.org) - thermophysical property database and wrappers for a selection of programming environments.
    Mike Kaganski
  • Contains nonlinear solvers for equations and systems of equations: Bisected Direct Quadratic Regula Falsi (BDQRF), Bisection, Brent's, Broyden's, Homotopy, Newton-Raphson, Ridder's, Secant, etc.
    Contains nonlinear solvers for equations and systems of equations: Bisected Direct Quadratic Regula Falsi (BDQRF), Bisection, Brent's, Broyden's, Homotopy, Newton-Raphson, Ridder's, Secant, etc.
    Davide Carpi (davide.carpi@gmail.com)
  • Digital Signal Processing Library: spectral analysis, IIR and FIR filters, resampling algorithms, etc.
    Digital Signal Processing Library: spectral analysis, IIR and FIR filters, resampling algorithms, etc.
    Sergey Bakhurin (http://dsplib.org), Viacheslav N. Mezentsev (viacheslavmezentsev@ya.ru)
  • Extends SMath Studio with statistical tools: Sample Estimators, Probability Density, Cumulative Density, Quantile functions, Random Numbers, etc.
    Extends SMath Studio with statistical tools: Sample Estimators, Probability Density, Cumulative Density, Quantile functions, Random Numbers, etc.
    Davide Carpi (davide.carpi@gmail.com)
  • Provides an interface to the SQLite relational database engine.
    Provides an interface to the SQLite relational database engine.
    Chris Bietz, Viacheslav N. Mezentsev
thanks 5 users thanked Andrey Ivashov for this useful post.
on 07/11/2019(UTC),  on 07/11/2019(UTC),  on 07/11/2019(UTC),  on 07/11/2019(UTC),  on 08/11/2019(UTC)
Offline Andrey Ivashov  
#2 Posted : 07 November 2019 19:03:41(UTC)
Andrey Ivashov

Rank: Administration

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Joined: 11/07/2008(UTC)
Posts: 1,639
Russian Federation

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This time I've spent many time on improvements of symbolic engine to make it more safe and predictable.

To show some results I've made available equrep(3) function which is hidden from auto-completion list and other places. It demonstrates possibilities to manipulate with complex structure of different equations. I'm not sure if anyone interested in this function at all, but under the hood it is used almost for every calculation in the program.

This function has three arguments:
- First is a given equation (anything to manipulate with);
- Second is an input for manipulation rule;
- Third is an output of manipulation rule.

In other words it allows to apply some manipulation (described in two last arguments) to an equation (from the first argument).

Some examples:



Do not forget to set Optimization=None if you want to see exact result without any extra numeric or symbolic optimization.

Best regards.
thanks 3 users thanked Andrey Ivashov for this useful post.
on 07/11/2019(UTC),  on 08/11/2019(UTC),  on 08/11/2019(UTC)
Offline mkraska  
#3 Posted : 08 November 2019 13:37:32(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Andrey Ivashov Go to Quoted Post

This function has three arguments:
- First is a given equation (anything to manipulate with);
- Second is an input for manipulation rule;
- Third is an output of manipulation rule.

In other words it allows to apply some manipulation (described in two last arguments) to an equation (from the first argument).

looks promising. Maybe, this might simplify restructuring of terms inside plugins.

As it seems, the function does not preprocess it's first argument. The definition of c isn't during the call of eqnrep when running the sheet step by step.

I see that the structure patterns should be unevaluated otherwise you would rely on having the variables therein being undefined in the sheet.
How about a function or a flag enforcing preprocessing?

equrep.sm (6kb) downloaded 19 time(s).
Martin Kraska

Pre-configured portable distribution of SMath Studio: https://smath.com/wiki/SMath%20with%20Plugins.ashx
thanks 1 user thanked mkraska for this useful post.
on 11/11/2019(UTC)
Offline mkraska  
#4 Posted : 08 November 2019 14:31:03(UTC)

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Actually an equrep function with preprocessing can be made:

equreppp.png equreppp.sm (18kb) downloaded 17 time(s).
Martin Kraska

Pre-configured portable distribution of SMath Studio: https://smath.com/wiki/SMath%20with%20Plugins.ashx
thanks 1 user thanked mkraska for this useful post.
on 11/11/2019(UTC)
Offline genf  
#5 Posted : 08 November 2019 14:40:09(UTC)

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С некоторых пор возникла проблема непечати некоторых элементов.
Расчеты делаю в Вашей программе, затем вывожу на печать в формат PNG и вставляю результат в Word.
Возникает проблема с блоками, отмеченных как "Запретить вычисление". Раньше над ними (в правом верхнем углу) был прямоугольник, сейчас они отмечены серым фоном. А с ним как раз и беда.
Что можно сделать?

На просмотре так:

На печати так:

Как видно не все блоки напечатаны, причем некоторые из нерасчетных были всё же напечатаны.

Ранее (когда не было фона) таких проблем не возникало.

Для печати использую виртуальный принтер pdf24.
Стандартный экспорт в PNG формат не делит на страницы, так бы им пользовался (там кстати проблем нет).

Пока вышел из ситуации с помощью скриншотов. Костыль конечно, но ничего не поделать.

Edited by user 08 November 2019 21:47:42(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Razonar  
#6 Posted : 11 November 2019 13:10:22(UTC)

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Hi. An application for equrep: step by step derivatives.


D.sm (15kb) downloaded 40 time(s).

Best regards.
thanks 2 users thanked Razonar for this useful post.
on 11/11/2019(UTC),  on 14/11/2019(UTC)
Offline Razonar  
#7 Posted : 14 November 2019 10:04:00(UTC)

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isol.sm (43kb) downloaded 43 time(s).

Best regards.

Edited by user 14 November 2019 10:57:08(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

thanks 1 user thanked Razonar for this useful post.
on 14/11/2019(UTC)
Offline Jean Giraud  
#8 Posted : 15 November 2019 01:55:59(UTC)
Jean Giraud

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I don't understand the maple fake [isol].
Already such a superb companion to Smath.

Offline Razonar  
#9 Posted : 16 November 2019 07:58:14(UTC)

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And another: laplace transform in native smath.

laplace.pdf (155kb) downloaded 34 time(s).
laplace.sm (85kb) downloaded 33 time(s).

Best regards.
Offline ElSid  
#10 Posted : 21 November 2019 19:24:18(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Jean Giraud Go to Quoted Post
I don't understand the maple fake [isol].

I like native. I wish items like Writer Region would go native too.
Offline Davide Carpi  
#11 Posted : 21 November 2019 19:38:13(UTC)
Davide Carpi

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Originally Posted by: ElSid Go to Quoted Post
I wish items like Writer Region would go native too.

That's in the plans, but it requires some new things and some refactoring before this step. Good
If you like my plugins consider to support SMath Studio buying a plan; to offer me a coffee: paypal.me/dcprojects
Offline Jean Giraud  
#12 Posted : 21 November 2019 20:05:56(UTC)
Jean Giraud

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Originally Posted by: ElSid Go to Quoted Post
I like native.I wish items like Writer Region would go native too.

That means an extra icon in menu or special key.
Finally: did you manage your translucent background ?
Did you manage the *.PDF c/w the translucent like original ?
Offline ElSid  
#13 Posted : 21 November 2019 20:20:58(UTC)

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Alvaro or Jean,
When Isolating in either the snippet or Maple, is there a way to force the symbolic engine? I tried using after some of the variables were defined (Yes, I used CTRL+=) and they both work prior to variable assignments. The issue is that many times, we define the variables and further down the calculation shows the equation ... that I'd like to manipulate. I tried setting optimization to none and symbolic, both failed
Offline ElSid  
#14 Posted : 21 November 2019 20:24:24(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Jean Giraud Go to Quoted Post
That means an extra icon in menu or special key.
OK. Better documentation
Originally Posted by: Jean Giraud Go to Quoted Post
Finally: did you manage your translucent background ?
Originally Posted by: Jean Giraud Go to Quoted Post
Did you manage the *.PDF c/w the translucent like original ?
PNG and yes. The graphic I was sent had very rich colors, almost like the flowers in the example. It was hard to see the text/calculation

Offline uni  
#15 Posted : 21 November 2019 20:46:23(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Jean Giraud Go to Quoted Post
I don't understand the maple fake [isol]

It’s better to turn off optimization to see the native maple answer.


Edited by user 21 November 2019 20:48:22(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Russia ☭ forever (git.io/vOZo0)
Viacheslav N. Mezentsev
thanks 3 users thanked uni for this useful post.
on 21/11/2019(UTC),  on 21/11/2019(UTC),  on 21/11/2019(UTC)
Offline Razonar  
#16 Posted : 21 November 2019 20:58:49(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: ElSid Go to Quoted Post
Alvaro or Jean,
When Isolating in either the snippet or Maple, is there a way to force the symbolic engine? I tried using after some of the variables were defined (Yes, I used CTRL+=) and they both work prior to variable assignments. The issue is that many times, we define the variables and further down the calculation shows the equation ... that I'd like to manipulate. I tried setting optimization to none and symbolic, both failed

Hi ElSid. I know that SMath carry the definitions instead the values, and with symbolics there are not an eval equivalent. But without an specific example, this is what I get


Best regards.
thanks 1 user thanked Razonar for this useful post.
on 21/11/2019(UTC)
Offline ElSid  
#17 Posted : 21 November 2019 23:05:49(UTC)

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I forgot the screenshot due to a meeting!
The space between the equations has some variables "defined". Maybe what I'm looking for is a feature request. I have the same issue with Maple plugin.

Essentially, I'm transferring a hand calculation and wanted to show all the steps in order. It does not make sense to isolate and manipulate an equation that is not used for 3 pages ... it's out of sequence and out of context

This screenshot is valid for both optimization=symbolic and none
Offline Razonar  
#18 Posted : 22 November 2019 00:22:44(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: ElSid Go to Quoted Post
... Maybe what I'm looking for is a feature request. I have the same issue with Maple plugin. ...

Hi ElSid. I guess that what you want is the 'x:=x' mathcad feature, which hide the value of x for the symbolic processor, but not for the numeric one. This is a mathcad 11 screenshot


Best regards.
Offline Jean Giraud  
#19 Posted : 22 November 2019 07:07:21(UTC)
Jean Giraud

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± You mentioned 'Native Smath'
maple is not a plugin from Insert Menu,
rather resident from f(x) menu.
No need to scratch the right ear with the left hand.
Further: your stuff must be tracable/accepted/visible.

Solve Wisely.PNG
Offline loha  
#20 Posted : 04 September 2020 17:54:00(UTC)

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Hello Andrey and everyone,

I wonder if, since equrep(3) now gives access to smath's internal representation it should be possible to get this "engineering" way of writing equations, discussed in many posts since many years, like here: https://en.smath.com/for...umbers-in-equations.aspx

to summarise:


p:=a*b ------------------- symbolic equation
=2*3.14 ----------- equation with variables replaced by their values (with control of their format, accuracy, etc.)
=6.28 -------------- numerical result

This is a numerical equivalent of the visual control that was available to civil engineers at the time of graphics statics. It gives an immediate feel of the magnitude of values, their accuracy and relevance for the result.

We can easily do as below:


p:=a*b ----------------------------- (definition)
equrep(p:=a*b,x,x)=2*3 ------------- (no optimisation)
equrep(p:=a*b,x,x)=6 --------------- (numeric optimisation)

and by not displaying input data:


However the middle equation becomes unreadable as soon as we have values that are not round numbers, so we also need to control the format of the values of variables in the middle equation, and to insert some "=" in-between.

This is much beyond my ability!

If anyone had some idea how to do something close to that, that would help some structural engineers!


Originally Posted by: Andrey Ivashov Go to Quoted Post
This time I've spent many time on improvements of symbolic engine to make it more safe and predictable.

To show some results I've made available equrep(3) function which is hidden from auto-completion list and other places. It demonstrates possibilities to manipulate with complex structure of different equations. I'm not sure if anyone interested in this function at all, but under the hood it is used almost for every calculation in the program.
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