01/12/2016 11:00:19 [INFO ] Maple Wrapper, version 1.0.6169.12443, lunedì 21 novembre 2016 06:54:46 01/12/2016 11:00:19 [INFO ] [Plugin.Initialize()] maple(1) - evaluate symbolic expression. 01/12/2016 11:00:19 [INFO ] [Plugin.Initialize()] Successfully. 1 functions loaded. 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] [->] smath_int({10000*`'kg`}/{`'s`^2}+{200000*`'kg`*x}/{`'m`*`'s`^2},x,`'m`,3*`'m`) 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ smath_int((10000*`'kg`)/(`'s`^2)+(200000*`'kg`*x)/(`'m`*`'s`^2),x,`'m`\ ,3*`'m`): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: 820000*`'kg`/`'s`^2*`'m` 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] [<-] 820000*'kg/'s^2*'m 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] [->] sin(Pi/2) 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ sin(Pi/2): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: 1 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] [<-] 1 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] [->] limit((sin(x))^2,x=Pi/2) 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ limit((sin(x))^2,x=Pi/2): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: 1 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] [<-] 1 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] [->] limit(sin(x)/x,x=0) 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ limit(sin(x)/x,x=0): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:01:36 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: 1 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] [<-] 1 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] [->] limit(exp(x),x=infinity) 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ limit(exp(x),x=infinity): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: infinity 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] [<-] infinity 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] [->] limit(1/x,x=0,real) 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ limit(1/x,x=0,real): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: undefined 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] [<-] undefined 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] [->] series(sinh(x),x) 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ series(sinh(x),x): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: x+1/6*x^3+1/120*x^5 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] [<-] x+1/6*x^3+1/120*x^5 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] [->] convert(series(sin(x)/x,x,8),polynom) 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ convert(series(sin(x)/x,x,8),polynom): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: 1-1/6*x^2+1/120*x^4-1/5040*x^6 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] [<-] 1-1/6*x^2+1/120*x^4-1/5040*x^6 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] [->] solve(x^{3/2}=43/10,x) 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(x^(3/2)=43/10,x): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: 1/100*4300^(2/3) 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] [<-] 1/100*4300^(2/3) 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:01:37 [INFO ] [->] solve(sqrt(ln(x))=2,x) 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(sqrt(ln(x))=2,x): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: exp(4) 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] [<-] exp(4) 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] [->] smath_int((ln(x))^3,x) 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ smath_int((ln(x))^3,x): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: ln(x)^3*x-3*x*ln(x)^2+6*x*ln(x)-6*x 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] [<-] ln(x)^3*x-3*x*ln(x)^2+6*x*ln(x)-6*x 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] [->] dsolve(smath_diff(f(t),t)+5*t*f(t)=t^2) 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ dsolve(smath_diff(f(t),t)+5*t*f(t)=t^2): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: f(t) = 1/5*t+1/50*I*exp(-5/2*t^2)*Pi^(1/2)*10^(1/2)*erf(1/2*I*10^(1/2)*t)+ex\ p(-5/2*t^2)*_C1 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] [<-] f(t)=1/5*t+1/50*i*exp(-5/2*t^2)*π^(1/2)*10^(1/2)*erf(1/2*i*10^(1/2)*t)+exp(-5/2*t^2)*_C1 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] [->] arcsin(1) 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ arcsin(1): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: 1/2*Pi 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] [<-] 1/2*π 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] [->] smath_int(x^2,x) 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ smath_int(x^2,x): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: 1/3*x^3 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] [<-] 1/3*x^3 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] [->] solve(sqrt(ln(x))=2,x) 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(sqrt(ln(x))=2,x): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:01:38 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:01:39 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:01:39 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:01:39 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: exp(4) 01/12/2016 11:01:39 [INFO ] [<-] exp(4) 01/12/2016 11:01:39 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:01:58 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:01:58 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:01:58 [INFO ] [->] solve(x^{3/2}=43/10,x) 01/12/2016 11:01:58 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(x^(3/2)=43/10,x): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:01:58 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:01:58 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:01:58 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:01:58 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: 1/100*4300^(2/3) 01/12/2016 11:01:58 [INFO ] [<-] 1/100*4300^(2/3) 01/12/2016 11:01:58 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:02:36 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:02:36 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:02:36 [INFO ] [->] solve(a+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:02:36 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:02:36 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:02:36 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:02:36 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:02:36 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a+c 01/12/2016 11:02:36 [INFO ] [<-] -a+c 01/12/2016 11:02:36 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:02:41 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:02:41 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:02:41 [INFO ] [->] solve(a+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:02:41 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:02:41 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:02:41 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:02:41 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:02:41 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a+c 01/12/2016 11:02:41 [INFO ] [<-] -a+c 01/12/2016 11:02:41 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:03:02 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:03:02 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:03:02 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:03:02 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:03:02 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:03:02 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:03:02 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:03:02 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a^2+c 01/12/2016 11:03:02 [INFO ] [<-] -a^2+c 01/12/2016 11:03:02 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:03:08 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:03:08 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:03:08 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:03:08 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:03:08 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:03:08 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:03:08 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:03:08 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a^2+c 01/12/2016 11:03:08 [INFO ] [<-] -a^2+c 01/12/2016 11:03:08 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:03:15 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:03:15 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:03:15 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+b^2=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:03:15 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+b^2=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:03:15 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:03:15 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:03:15 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:03:15 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: mat((-a^2+c)^(1/2), -(-a^2+c)^(1/2),2,1) 01/12/2016 11:03:15 [INFO ] [<-] mat((-a^2+c)^(1/2);-(-a^2+c)^(1/2);2;1) 01/12/2016 11:03:15 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:03:28 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:03:28 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:03:28 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:03:28 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:03:28 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:03:28 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:03:28 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:03:28 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a^2+c 01/12/2016 11:03:28 [INFO ] [<-] -a^2+c 01/12/2016 11:03:28 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:03:38 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:03:38 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:03:38 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+eta=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:03:38 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+eta=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:03:38 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:03:38 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:03:38 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:03:38 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: mat(,0,1) 01/12/2016 11:03:38 [INFO ] [<-] mat(;0;1) 01/12/2016 11:03:38 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:03:51 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:03:51 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:03:51 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+eta=c,a) 01/12/2016 11:03:51 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+eta=c,a): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:03:51 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:03:51 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:03:51 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:03:51 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: mat((-eta+c)^(1/2), -(-eta+c)^(1/2),2,1) 01/12/2016 11:03:51 [INFO ] [<-] mat((-η+c)^(1/2);-(-η+c)^(1/2);2;1) 01/12/2016 11:03:51 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:05:22 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:05:22 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:05:22 [INFO ] [->] solve(a+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:05:22 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:05:22 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:05:22 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:05:22 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:05:22 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a+c 01/12/2016 11:05:22 [INFO ] [<-] -a+c 01/12/2016 11:05:22 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:05:40 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:05:40 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:05:40 [INFO ] [->] solve({2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2}/{9*eta}+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:05:40 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve((2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2)/(9*eta)+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:05:40 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:05:40 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:05:40 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:05:40 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve((2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2)/(9*eta)+b=c,b): ^ 01/12/2016 11:05:40 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:05:54 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:05:54 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:05:54 [INFO ] [->] solve({2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2}/{9*eta}+b={2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2}/{9*eta},b) 01/12/2016 11:05:54 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve((2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2)/(9*eta)+b=(2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluid\ o)*g*R_sfera^2)/(9*eta),b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:05:54 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:05:55 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:05:55 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:05:55 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve((2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2)/(9*eta)+b=(2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluid\ ^ 01/12/2016 11:05:55 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:06:03 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:06:03 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:06:03 [INFO ] [->] solve({2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2}/{9*eta}={2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2}/{9*eta},b) 01/12/2016 11:06:03 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve((2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2)/(9*eta)=(2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)\ *g*R_sfera^2)/(9*eta),b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:06:03 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:06:03 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:06:03 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:06:03 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve((2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2)/(9*eta)=(2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)\ ^ 01/12/2016 11:06:03 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:06:31 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:06:31 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:06:31 [INFO ] [->] solve({2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2}/{9*eta}={2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:06:31 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve((2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2)/(9*eta)=(2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)\ *g*R_sfera^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:06:31 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:06:32 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:06:32 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:06:32 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve((2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2)/(9*eta)=(2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)\ ^ 01/12/2016 11:06:32 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:07:03 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:07:03 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:07:03 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:07:03 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:07:03 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:07:03 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:07:03 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:07:03 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_=(2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:07:03 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:07:21 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:07:21 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:07:21 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*(ρ_s-ρ_f)*g*R_sfera^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:07:21 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*(ρ_s-ρ_f)*g*R_sfera^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:07:21 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:07:21 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:07:21 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:07:21 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_=(2*(ρ_s-ρ_f)*g*R_sfera^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:07:21 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:07:27 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:07:27 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:07:27 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*(ρ_s-ρ_f)*g*R_s^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:07:27 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*(ρ_s-ρ_f)*g*R_s^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:07:27 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:07:27 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:07:27 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:07:27 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_=(2*(ρ_s-ρ_f)*g*R_s^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:07:27 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:07:46 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:07:46 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:07:46 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*(ρ_s-ρ_f)*g*R_s^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:07:46 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*(ρ_s-ρ_f)*g*R_s^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:07:46 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:07:46 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:07:46 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:07:46 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_=(2*(ρ_s-ρ_f)*g*R_s^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:07:46 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:07:56 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:07:56 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:07:56 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*(ρ_s-ρ_f)*g}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:07:56 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*(ρ_s-ρ_f)*g)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:07:56 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:07:56 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:07:56 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:07:56 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_=(2*(ρ_s-ρ_f)*g)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:07:56 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:08:18 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:08:18 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:08:18 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*(ρ_s-ρ_f)*g}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:08:18 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*(ρ_s-ρ_f)*g)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:08:18 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:08:18 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:08:18 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:08:18 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_=(2*(ρ_s-ρ_f)*g)/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:08:18 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:08:25 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:08:25 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:08:25 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*(ρ_s-ρ_f)}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:08:25 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*(ρ_s-ρ_f))/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:08:25 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:08:25 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:08:25 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:08:25 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_=(2*(ρ_s-ρ_f))/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:08:25 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:08:45 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:08:45 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:08:45 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_=2*eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:08:45 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=2*eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:08:45 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:08:45 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:08:45 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:08:45 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: 1/2*v_ 01/12/2016 11:08:45 [INFO ] [<-] 1/2*v_ 01/12/2016 11:08:45 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:09:07 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:09:07 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:09:07 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*(ρ_s-ρ_f)}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:09:07 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*(ρ_s-ρ_f))/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:09:07 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:09:07 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:09:07 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:09:07 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_=(2*(ρ_s-ρ_f))/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:09:07 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:09:22 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:09:22 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:09:22 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*ρ_s}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:09:22 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*ρ_s)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:09:22 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:09:22 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:09:22 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:09:22 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_=(2*ρ_s)/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:09:22 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:09:44 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:09:44 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:09:44 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*ρ_s}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:09:44 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*ρ_s)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:09:44 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:09:44 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:09:44 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:09:44 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_=(2*ρ_s)/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:09:44 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:09:51 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:09:51 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:09:51 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*k}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:09:51 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*k)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:09:51 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:09:52 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:09:52 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:09:52 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: 2*k/v_ 01/12/2016 11:09:52 [INFO ] [<-] 2*k/v_ 01/12/2016 11:09:52 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*(ρs-ρf)*g*R_s^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*(ρs-ρf)*g*R_s^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_=(2*(ρs-ρf)*g*R_s^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*ρ_s}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*ρ_s)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_=(2*ρ_s)/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*k}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*k)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: 2*k/v_ 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [INFO ] [<-] 2*k/v_ 01/12/2016 11:10:15 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:10:24 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:10:24 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:10:24 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*(ρs-ρ_f)*g*R_s^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:10:24 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*(ρs-ρ_f)*g*R_s^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:10:24 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:10:25 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:10:25 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:10:25 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_=(2*(ρs-ρ_f)*g*R_s^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:10:25 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:10:25 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:10:25 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:10:25 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*ρ_s}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:10:25 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*ρ_s)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:10:25 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:10:25 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:10:25 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:10:25 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_=(2*ρ_s)/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:10:25 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:10:25 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:10:25 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:10:25 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*k}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:10:25 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*k)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:10:25 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:10:25 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:10:25 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:10:25 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: 2*k/v_ 01/12/2016 11:10:25 [INFO ] [<-] 2*k/v_ 01/12/2016 11:10:25 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:10:33 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:10:33 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:10:33 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*(ρs-ρ_f)*g*R^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:10:33 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*(ρs-ρ_f)*g*R^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:10:33 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:10:33 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:10:33 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:10:33 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_=(2*(ρs-ρ_f)*g*R^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:10:33 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:10:33 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:10:33 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:10:33 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*ρ_s}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:10:33 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*ρ_s)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:10:33 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:10:33 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:10:33 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:10:33 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_=(2*ρ_s)/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:10:33 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:10:33 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:10:33 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:10:33 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*k}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:10:33 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*k)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:10:33 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:10:34 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:10:34 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:10:34 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: 2*k/v_ 01/12/2016 11:10:34 [INFO ] [<-] 2*k/v_ 01/12/2016 11:10:34 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*(ρs-ρf)*g*R^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*(ρs-ρf)*g*R^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_=(2*(ρs-ρf)*g*R^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*ρ_s}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*ρ_s)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_=(2*ρ_s)/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*k}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*k)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: 2*k/v_ 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [INFO ] [<-] 2*k/v_ 01/12/2016 11:10:40 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:10:49 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:10:49 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:10:49 [INFO ] [->] solve(v={2*(ρs-ρf)*g*R^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:10:49 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v=(2*(ρs-ρf)*g*R^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:10:49 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:10:50 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:10:50 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:10:50 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v=(2*(ρs-ρf)*g*R^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:10:50 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:10:50 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:10:50 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:10:50 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*ρ_s}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:10:50 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*ρ_s)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:10:50 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:10:50 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:10:50 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:10:50 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_=(2*ρ_s)/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:10:50 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:10:50 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:10:50 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:10:50 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*k}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:10:50 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*k)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:10:50 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:10:50 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:10:50 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:10:50 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: 2*k/v_ 01/12/2016 11:10:50 [INFO ] [<-] 2*k/v_ 01/12/2016 11:10:50 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:12:11 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:12:11 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:12:11 [INFO ] [->] solve(a+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:12:11 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:12:11 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a+c 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] [<-] -a+c 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a^2+c 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] [<-] -a^2+c 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+b^2=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+b^2=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: mat((-a^2+c)^(1/2), -(-a^2+c)^(1/2),2,1) 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] [<-] mat((-a^2+c)^(1/2);-(-a^2+c)^(1/2);2;1) 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+eta=c,a) 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+eta=c,a): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: mat((-eta+c)^(1/2), -(-eta+c)^(1/2),2,1) 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] [<-] mat((-η+c)^(1/2);-(-η+c)^(1/2);2;1) 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] [->] solve(v={2*(ρs-ρf)*g*R^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v=(2*(ρs-ρf)*g*R^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v=(2*(ρs-ρf)*g*R^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*ρ_s}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*ρ_s)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:12:12 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:12:13 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:12:13 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:12:13 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_=(2*ρ_s)/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:12:13 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:12:13 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:12:13 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:12:13 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*k}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:12:13 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*k)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:12:13 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:12:13 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:12:13 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:12:13 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: 2*k/v_ 01/12/2016 11:12:13 [INFO ] [<-] 2*k/v_ 01/12/2016 11:12:13 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:12:39 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:12:39 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:12:39 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limite={2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:12:39 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limite=(2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:12:39 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:12:39 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:12:39 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:12:39 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limite=(2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:12:39 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:12:39 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:12:39 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:12:39 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*ρ_s}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:12:39 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*ρ_s)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:12:39 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:12:40 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:12:40 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:12:40 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_=(2*ρ_s)/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:12:40 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:12:40 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:12:40 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:12:40 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_={2*k}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:12:40 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_=(2*k)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:12:40 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:12:40 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:12:40 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:12:40 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: 2*k/v_ 01/12/2016 11:12:40 [INFO ] [<-] 2*k/v_ 01/12/2016 11:12:40 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [INFO ] [->] solve(a+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a+c 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [INFO ] [<-] -a+c 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a^2+c 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [INFO ] [<-] -a^2+c 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+b^2=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+b^2=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:12:45 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: mat((-a^2+c)^(1/2), -(-a^2+c)^(1/2),2,1) 01/12/2016 11:12:46 [INFO ] [<-] mat((-a^2+c)^(1/2);-(-a^2+c)^(1/2);2;1) 01/12/2016 11:12:46 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:12:46 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:12:46 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:12:46 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+eta=c,a) 01/12/2016 11:12:46 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+eta=c,a): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:12:46 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:12:46 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:12:46 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:12:46 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: mat((-eta+c)^(1/2), -(-eta+c)^(1/2),2,1) 01/12/2016 11:12:46 [INFO ] [<-] mat((-η+c)^(1/2);-(-η+c)^(1/2);2;1) 01/12/2016 11:12:46 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:12:46 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:12:46 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:12:46 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limite={2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:12:46 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limite=(2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:12:46 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:12:46 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:12:46 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:12:46 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limite=(2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:12:46 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] [->] solve(a+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a+c 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] [<-] -a+c 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a^2+c 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] [<-] -a^2+c 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+b^2=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+b^2=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: mat((-a^2+c)^(1/2), -(-a^2+c)^(1/2),2,1) 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] [<-] mat((-a^2+c)^(1/2);-(-a^2+c)^(1/2);2;1) 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limite={2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limite=(2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limite=(2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:13:19 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:14:02 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:14:02 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:14:02 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limite={2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:14:02 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limite=(2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:14:02 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:14:02 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:14:02 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:14:02 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limite=(2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:14:02 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:15:19 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:15:19 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:15:19 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:15:19 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:15:19 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:15:20 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:15:20 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:15:20 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:15:20 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:15:20 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:15:20 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:15:20 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limite={2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:15:20 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limite=(2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:15:20 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:15:20 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:15:20 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:15:20 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limite=(2*(ρ_sfera-ρ_fluido)*g*R_sfera^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:15:20 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:15:31 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:15:31 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:15:31 [INFO ] [->] solve(a+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:15:31 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:15:31 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:15:31 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:15:31 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:15:31 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a+c 01/12/2016 11:15:31 [INFO ] [<-] -a+c 01/12/2016 11:15:31 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:15:31 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:15:31 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:15:31 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:15:31 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:15:31 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:15:31 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:15:31 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:15:31 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a^2+c 01/12/2016 11:15:31 [INFO ] [<-] -a^2+c 01/12/2016 11:15:31 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:15:31 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:15:31 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:15:31 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+b^2=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:15:31 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+b^2=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:15:31 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:15:32 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:15:32 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:15:32 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: mat((-a^2+c)^(1/2), -(-a^2+c)^(1/2),2,1) 01/12/2016 11:15:32 [INFO ] [<-] mat((-a^2+c)^(1/2);-(-a^2+c)^(1/2);2;1) 01/12/2016 11:15:32 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:15:32 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:15:32 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:15:32 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:15:32 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:15:32 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:15:32 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:15:32 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:15:32 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:15:32 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:15:36 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:15:36 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:15:36 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:15:36 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:15:36 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:15:36 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:15:36 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:15:36 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:15:36 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima 01/12/2016 11:15:45 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:15:45 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:15:50 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:15:50 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:15:50 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:15:50 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:15:50 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:15:50 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:15:50 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:15:50 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:15:50 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:15:57 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:15:57 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:15:57 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:15:57 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:15:57 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:15:57 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:15:57 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:15:57 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:15:57 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:16:02 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:16:02 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:16:02 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:16:02 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:16:02 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:16:02 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:16:02 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:16:02 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:16:02 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:16:16 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:16:16 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:16:16 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:16:16 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:16:16 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:16:16 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:16:16 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:16:16 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:16:16 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:16:21 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:16:21 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:16:21 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:16:21 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid))/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:16:21 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:16:21 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:16:21 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:16:21 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid))/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:16:21 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:16:26 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:16:26 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:16:26 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:16:26 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid))/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:16:26 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:16:26 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:16:26 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:16:26 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid))/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:16:26 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:16:37 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:16:37 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:16:37 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:16:37 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid))/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:16:37 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:16:38 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:16:38 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:16:38 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid))/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:16:38 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:16:38 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:16:38 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:16:43 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:16:43 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:16:43 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:16:43 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:16:43 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:16:43 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:16:43 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:16:43 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:16:43 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:16:52 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:16:52 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:16:52 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:16:52 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:16:52 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:16:52 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:16:52 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:16:52 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:16:52 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:16:58 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:16:58 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:16:58 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:16:58 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:16:58 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:16:58 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:16:58 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:16:58 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:16:58 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:17:08 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:17:08 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:17:08 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:17:08 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:17:08 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:17:08 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:17:08 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:17:08 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:17:08 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:17:15 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:17:15 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:17:15 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=rho/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:17:15 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=rho/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:17:15 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:17:15 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:17:15 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:17:15 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: rho/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:17:15 [INFO ] [<-] ρ/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:17:15 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:17:41 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:17:41 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:17:41 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:17:41 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:17:41 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:17:42 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:17:42 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:17:42 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:17:42 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:17:58 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:17:58 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:17:58 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(rho-ρ_f)*g*R_sphere^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:17:58 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(rho-ρ_f)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:17:58 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:17:58 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:17:58 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:17:58 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(rho-ρ_f)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:17:58 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:10 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:18:10 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:10 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρs-ρf)*g*R_sphere^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:18:10 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρs-ρf)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:18:10 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:18:10 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:18:10 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:18:10 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρs-ρf)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:18:10 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:16 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:18:16 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:16 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρs-ρf)*g*R^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:18:16 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρs-ρf)*g*R^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:18:16 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:18:16 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:18:16 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:18:16 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρs-ρf)*g*R^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:18:16 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:28 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:18:28 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:28 [INFO ] [->] solve(a+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:18:28 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:18:28 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a+c 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] [<-] -a+c 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a^2+c 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] [<-] -a^2+c 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+b^2=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+b^2=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: mat((-a^2+c)^(1/2), -(-a^2+c)^(1/2),2,1) 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] [<-] mat((-a^2+c)^(1/2);-(-a^2+c)^(1/2);2;1) 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid))/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:18:29 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid))/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=rho/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=rho/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: rho/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] [<-] ρ/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:18:30 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:34 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:18:34 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:34 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:18:34 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:18:34 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:18:34 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:18:34 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:18:34 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:18:34 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:51 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:18:51 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:51 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=rho/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:18:51 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=rho/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:18:51 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:18:51 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:18:51 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:18:51 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: rho/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:18:51 [INFO ] [<-] ρ/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:18:51 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:55 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:18:55 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:18:55 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=rho/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:18:55 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=rho/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:18:55 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:18:56 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:18:56 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:18:56 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: rho/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:18:56 [INFO ] [<-] ρ/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:18:56 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:03 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:19:03 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:03 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:19:03 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:19:03 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:19:03 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:19:03 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:19:03 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:19:03 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:16 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:19:16 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:16 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:19:16 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:19:16 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:19:16 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:19:16 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:19:16 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:19:16 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] [->] solve(a+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a+c 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] [<-] -a+c 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a^2+c 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] [<-] -a^2+c 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+b^2=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+b^2=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: mat((-a^2+c)^(1/2), -(-a^2+c)^(1/2),2,1) 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] [<-] mat((-a^2+c)^(1/2);-(-a^2+c)^(1/2);2;1) 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:19:19 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid))/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid))/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:19:20 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:19:21 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:19:21 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:19:21 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:19:21 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:21 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:19:21 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:21 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=rho/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:19:21 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=rho/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:19:21 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:19:21 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:19:21 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:19:21 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: rho/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:19:21 [INFO ] [<-] ρ/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:19:21 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:21 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:19:21 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:21 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:19:21 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:19:21 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:19:21 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:19:21 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:19:21 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:19:21 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:25 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:19:25 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:25 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:19:25 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:19:25 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:19:25 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:19:25 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:19:25 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:19:25 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:56 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:19:56 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:19:56 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(rho-rho')*g*R_sphere^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:19:56 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(rho-rho')*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:19:56 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:19:56 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:19:56 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:19:56 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, unexpected single forward quote: solve(v_limit=(2*(rho-rho')*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:19:56 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:20:11 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:20:11 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:20:11 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(rho-rho')*g*R^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:20:11 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(rho-rho')*g*R^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:20:11 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:20:11 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:20:11 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:20:11 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, unexpected single forward quote: solve(v_limit=(2*(rho-rho')*g*R^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:20:11 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:20:20 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:20:20 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:20:20 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(rho-phi)*g*R^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:20:20 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(rho-phi)*g*R^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:20:20 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:20:20 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:20:20 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:20:20 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: 2/9*(rho-phi)*g*R^2/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:20:20 [INFO ] [<-] 2/9*(ρ-φ)*g*R^2/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:20:20 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:03 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:22:03 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:03 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:22:03 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:22:03 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:22:03 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:22:03 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:22:03 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a^2+c 01/12/2016 11:22:03 [INFO ] [<-] -a^2+c 01/12/2016 11:22:03 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] [->] solve(a+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a+c 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] [<-] -a+c 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+b^2=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+b^2=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: mat((-a^2+c)^(1/2), -(-a^2+c)^(1/2),2,1) 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] [<-] mat((-a^2+c)^(1/2);-(-a^2+c)^(1/2);2;1) 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:22:04 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid))/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid))/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=rho/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=rho/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: rho/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] [<-] ρ/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(rho-phi)*g*R^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(rho-phi)*g*R^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:22:05 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:22:06 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:22:06 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:22:06 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: 2/9*(rho-phi)*g*R^2/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:22:06 [INFO ] [<-] 2/9*(ρ-φ)*g*R^2/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:22:06 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+b^2=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+b^2=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: mat((-a^2+c)^(1/2), -(-a^2+c)^(1/2),2,1) 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] [<-] mat((-a^2+c)^(1/2);-(-a^2+c)^(1/2);2;1) 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] [->] solve(a+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a+c 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] [<-] -a+c 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:22:09 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid))/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid))/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=rho/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=rho/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: rho/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] [<-] ρ/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:22:10 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:22:11 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:22:11 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:22:11 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:22:11 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:11 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:22:11 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:22:11 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(rho-phi)*g*R^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:22:11 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(rho-phi)*g*R^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:22:11 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:22:11 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:22:11 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:22:11 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: 2/9*(rho-phi)*g*R^2/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:22:11 [INFO ] [<-] 2/9*(ρ-φ)*g*R^2/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:22:11 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:27 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:27 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:27 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:23:27 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:27 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a^2+c 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] [<-] -a^2+c 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+b^2=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+b^2=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: mat((-a^2+c)^(1/2), -(-a^2+c)^(1/2),2,1) 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] [<-] mat((-a^2+c)^(1/2);-(-a^2+c)^(1/2);2;1) 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] [->] solve(a+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a+c 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] [<-] -a+c 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid))/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid))/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:23:28 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=rho/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=rho/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: rho/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] [<-] ρ/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(rho-phi)*g*R^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(rho-phi)*g*R^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: 2/9*(rho-phi)*g*R^2/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] [<-] 2/9*(ρ-φ)*g*R^2/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:23:29 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:40 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:40 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:40 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:23:40 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:40 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:40 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:40 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:40 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:23:40 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:40 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:40 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:40 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:23:40 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:40 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:40 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:40 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:40 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:23:40 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:40 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:40 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:40 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:23:40 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:40 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid))/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid))/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=rho/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=rho/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: rho/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] [<-] ρ/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:41 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(rho-phi)*g*R^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:23:42 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(rho-phi)*g*R^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:42 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:42 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:42 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:42 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: 2/9*(rho-phi)*g*R^2/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:23:42 [INFO ] [<-] 2/9*(ρ-φ)*g*R^2/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:23:42 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a^2+c 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] [<-] -a^2+c 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+b^2=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+b^2=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: mat((-a^2+c)^(1/2), -(-a^2+c)^(1/2),2,1) 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] [<-] mat((-a^2+c)^(1/2);-(-a^2+c)^(1/2);2;1) 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] [->] solve(a+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a+c 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] [<-] -a+c 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:50 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid))/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid))/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid}/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=rho/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=rho/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:51 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:52 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: rho/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:23:52 [INFO ] [<-] ρ/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:23:52 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:52 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:52 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:52 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:23:52 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:52 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:52 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:52 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:52 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:23:52 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:52 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:23:52 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:23:52 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(rho-phi)*g*R^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:23:52 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(rho-phi)*g*R^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:23:52 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:23:52 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:23:52 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:23:52 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: 2/9*(rho-phi)*g*R^2/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:23:52 [INFO ] [<-] 2/9*(ρ-φ)*g*R^2/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:23:52 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a^2+c 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] [<-] -a^2+c 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] [->] solve(a^2+b^2=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a^2+b^2=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: mat((-a^2+c)^(1/2), -(-a^2+c)^(1/2),2,1) 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] [<-] mat((-a^2+c)^(1/2);-(-a^2+c)^(1/2);2;1) 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] [->] solve(a+b=c,b) 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(a+b=c,b): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -a+c 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] [<-] -a+c 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:24:12 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g*R_sphere^2)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)*g)/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid)}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid))/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=(2*(ρ_sphere-ρ_fluid))/(9*eta),eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=ρ_sphere/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=rho/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=rho/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: rho/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] [<-] ρ/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(rho-phi)*g*R^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(rho-phi)*g*R^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:24:13 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:24:14 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:24:14 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:24:14 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: 2/9*(rho-phi)*g*R^2/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:24:14 [INFO ] [<-] 2/9*(ρ-φ)*g*R^2/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:24:14 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:24:56 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:24:56 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:24:56 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(rho-phi)*g*R^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:24:56 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(rho-phi)*g*R^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:24:56 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:24:57 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:24:57 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:24:57 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: -2/9*(-rho+phi)*g*R^2/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:24:57 [INFO ] [<-] -2/9*(-ρ+φ)*g*R^2/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:24:57 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:24:57 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:24:57 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:24:57 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:24:57 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:24:57 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:24:57 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:24:57 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:24:57 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:24:57 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:25:14 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:25:14 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:25:14 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta) 01/12/2016 11:25:14 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:25:14 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:25:14 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:25:14 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:25:14 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: on line 21, syntax error, control character unexpected: solve(v_limit=ρs/eta,eta): ^ 01/12/2016 11:25:14 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:25:14 [INFO ] ============================================================ 01/12/2016 11:25:14 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5 01/12/2016 11:25:14 [INFO ] [->] solve(v_limit={2*(rho-phi)*g*R^2}/{9*eta},eta) 01/12/2016 11:25:14 [INFO ] [->] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\in.tmp: interface(quiet=true); with(linalg):with(inttrans):with(plots): writeto(".\\tmp\\out.tmp"): smath_line := proc() local i: for i from 1 to nargs - 2 do args[i]; od: end: smath_sum := proc() if nargs = 1 then sum( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then sum( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then sum( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_product:= proc() if nargs = 1 then product( args[1] ); elif nargs = 2 then product( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then product( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_int := proc() if nargs = 2 then int( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 4 then int( args[1], args[2] = args[3] .. args[4] ); fi: end: smath_diff := proc() if nargs = 2 then diff( args[1], args[2] ); elif nargs = 3 then diff( args[1], args[2] $ args[3] ); fi: end: smath_sys := proc() { args[i] $ i = 1 .. nargs - 2 }; end: smath_el := proc() args[1][ args[2] ]; end: smath_mat := proc() local i, j, out: out := [ args[j] $ j = 1 .. args[ nargs ] ]: for i from 2 to args[ nargs - 1 ] do out := out, [ args[j] $ j = ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + 1 .. ( i - 1 ) * args[ nargs ] + args[ nargs ] ]: od: convert( [ out ], array ); end: smath_submatrix := proc() submatrix( args[1], args[2] .. args[3], args[4] .. args[5] ); end: ans := \ solve(v_limit=(2*(rho-phi)*g*R^2)/(9*eta),eta): if ( whattype( ans ) = `exprseq` ) then convert( convert( cat( `mat(`, substring( convert( [ans], string ), 2..-2 ), `,`, nops( [ans] ), `,1)` ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `set` ) then convert( convert( cat(`mat(`,substring(convert(map2(op,2,[ans[i]$i=1..nops(ans)]),string),2..-2),`,`,nops(ans),`,1)`), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `symbol` ) then convert( convert( eval( ans ), string ), symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `series` ) then convert( convert( ans, polynom) , symbol ); elif ( whattype( ans ) = `string` ) then convert( ans, symbol ); else convert( convert( ans, string ), symbol ); fi; quit: 01/12/2016 11:25:14 [INFO ] "C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\cmaple.exe" .\tmp\in.tmp 01/12/2016 11:25:15 [INFO ] |\^/| Maple V Release 5 (Single User) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights \ MAPLE / reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > interface(quiet=true); Warning, new definition for norm Warning, new definition for trace Warning, new definition for hilbert 01/12/2016 11:25:15 [ERROR] 01/12/2016 11:25:15 [INFO ] [<-] C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5\tmp\out.tmp: 2/9*(rho-phi)*g*R^2/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:25:15 [INFO ] [<-] 2/9*(ρ-φ)*g*R^2/v_limit 01/12/2016 11:25:15 [INFO ] CurrentDirectory: C:\SMath 98.6096 with Maxima\extensions\plugins\32dfd679-8cfd-483a-b79a-19d5ea838750\1.0.6169.12443\mvr5